
_:mask 1.0

:Over the past 2 years or so I have been working with canvas and paint medium. These are a short that gives a slow progress of some of those studies. This first one gave way to some of the early ideas.

:One being the use of the mask+paint, first to understand it, then to become aware of its properties. Two was the use of newspaper. Comics, crosswards, life section all have different aesthetics. Three the use of wax and knife layed over the paint+paper. this was to see how the wax+paper combination begin to give the impression of ambiguity.

:the one on the left is a small scale study with the use of plastic wrap as another medium. on the right is a larger piece that I begin to break my linear rules and begin to subdivide the mask.

:newer editions. the left was the first created. the right only changes from deformations of the left. mask+paint= crossovers. the crossovers are located then newspapered and waxed. ambiguity raised from left to right.

:another work in progress. inbetween rips with the use of latex rubber. furthermore down the road.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

M A T T E R           101

2 0 R e f r a i n

As commonly used the refrain, or burden, not only limited to lyric verse, but depends for its impression upon the force of monotone -- both in sound and thought. The pleasure is deduced solely from the sense of identity -- of repetition. I resolved to diversify, and so vastly heighten, the effect, by adhering, in general, to the monotone of sound, while I continually varied that of thought: that is to say, I determined to produce continuously novel effect, by the variation of the application of the refrain -- the refrain itself remaining, for the most part, unvaried.

-- Edgar Allen Poe, On Composition a la Atlas of Novel Tectonics

ps - i find myself in some way beginning perhaps to dig yer shit --me

pps - caveat: i had trouble with the pulparchitecture site (pluggin, load time-outs, nav scheme, no fucking idea what you guys are talking about), but muddled through sporadic viewing of some genuinely cool stuff, coming away with a tentative professional respect in addition to the general good vibe

ppps - retraction: no offense intended to the site's design(er), i'm a professional ui enthusiast and highly critical in this instance solely in reflexive defense against the fear that my initial praise comes across too gay